Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Weblog Journal Assignment 1

After the first week of this course, I feel like I have already learned a lot about Jerusalem, the culture, and the conflict that surrounds the city.  Before coming into this class, I had very limited prior knowledge of Jerusalem, but after spending only a few days with my classmates, I found it very beneficial to hear their insights and knowledge on this topic. Professor Horowitz also explained some interesting facts, elaborating on the festival that was supposed to occur in Washington DC.  It helped me gain an understanding of how difficult it was to properly represent both Palestine and Israel. Along with listening to my classmates and Professor Horowitz, reading the different views on the history of Jerusalem also helped me to better understand this topic.

To me, this class is very unique.  This is the first time I've been in a class that uses video conferencing extensively, and I also find that working and learning alongside another class at a different university will be very beneficial.  Overall, I think this class will be very interesting and ensightful and I am excited to dive deeper into the topics we have just started to discuss.

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